Use "was relieved of his duties|be relieve of his duty" in a sentence

1. Upon his arrival, Allemand was relieved of duty for "brutality towards his crews" and "rudeness towards his passengers".

2. On 3 March 2015, Jody Brown was relieved of his duties after just one point in his first nine games.

3. Hyakutake suffered a debilitating stroke and was relieved of his duties in February 1945 by General Masatane Kanda.

4. General Beale was relieved of his command.

5. The general was relieved of his command.

6. After the trial, which ended with Farran's acquittal, Fergusson was relieved of his duties in Palestine and returned to Britain.

7. 27 The general was relieved of his command.

8. He was negligent of his duties.

9. His evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible.

10. A citizen must not be relieved from fulfilling the fundamental duties of citizens.

11. Temporary relieved of duty or perhaps dismissed.

12. The thief relieved him of his wallet.

13. He was dismissed for neglect of his duty.

14. His mother was relieved to see him happy again.

15. ‘Perhaps the book helped him to relieve a conscience burdened by the knowledge that he was not carrying out the pastoral duties of his Benefice.’

16. He was relieved from duty 2 years later, reports of hallucinations and delusions.

17. 11 He was dismissed for neglect of his duty.

18. The official was dismissed for neglect of his duty.

19. One of his duties was to open “the doors of Jehovah’s house.”

20. He is neglectful of his duties.

21. His was not an enviable duty.

22. His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties.

23. It was designed to help relieve the weight of his upper-body armor.

24. He was so busy with his duties he became neglectful of his lovely and lonely wife.

25. He was degraded from office for his dereliction of duty.

26. I trusted his judgement and was hugely relieved when he agreed.

27. 20 The official was dismissed for neglect of his duty.

28. She provided a redefinition of his duties.

29. In April, 1547, the war came to an end in the Battle of Mühlberg, but Agricola was apparently not relieved of his Burgomastership until the succeeding year, for he wrote his friend Wolfgang Meurer, in April, 1548, that he "was now relieved." His public duties did not end, however, for he attended the Diet of Leipzig in 1547 and in 1549, and

30. No policeman ought to be remiss in his duties.

31. He wished to be excused from his duties today.

32. To relieve his wife during her intense and deep grief, Albert took on most of her duties, despite being ill himself with chronic stomach trouble.

33. She was relieved to see his face light up with a boyish grin.

34. The inspection of slaughterhouses which was one of his duties converted him permanently to vegetarianism.

35. He was dismissed for inattention to his duty.

36. Falkenhayn was relieved of his command by the Kaiser in August and replaced by Hindenburg and Ludendorff.

37. The whiskey relieved the tremor in his hands.

38. That deacon was simply performing his priesthood duty.

39. 24 He was dismissed for neglecting his duty.

40. No parent can duck out of his duty to his children.

41. He was willing to face any hardship in fulfillment of his duty.

42. 10 A relieved smile spread over his face.

43. He was unassuming in his manners, and when relieved from the cares of business, was a cheerful and agreeable companion.

44. Robbie was surprised and relieved to find Fen his usual phlegmatic self next morning.

45. Billy is punctilious in the performance of his duties.

46. 1 He was dismissed for inattention to his duty.

47. I'm afraid your friend has been relieved of his command of the City Watch.

48. His duties and mine overlap.

49. 25 She was relieved to see his face light up with a boyish grin.

50. He deemed that it was his duty to help.

51. Performs other duties as may be Assigned by his/her superiors

52. She settled him in his chair, and was relieved to see that he seemed to be calming down a little.

53. He was arrested for obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty.

54. 19 A relieved Mr Maxwell thanked his lawyer profusely.

55. The Director shall be accountable to the Management Board in respect of the performance of his duties.

56. The formality of his dark business suit was relieved by a light - co 1 oured tie and gray shoes.

57. She was charged with obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty.

58. We accused him of having neglected his duty.

59. The head teacher's deputy assists with many of his duties.

60. He is very conscientious in the performance of his duties.

61. 17 Robbie was surprised and relieved to find Fen his usual phlegmatic self next morning.

62. 3. The director shall be accountable to the administrative board for the execution of his duties.

63. Yesterday, Captain Brett Cozier was relieved of his command of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, an aircraft carrier currently stationed in Guam

64. His personal motto was Plikten framför allt, "Duty before all".

65. He always performs his duties faithfully.

66. 28 Despite the simplicity of his lifestyle, Alvin was messy to a degree that drove Holtz to add housekeeping to his duties.

67. He had failed in the execution of his duty.

68. The Coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty

69. In addition to his duties, Covington kept a personal journal regarding his impressions of the voyage.

70. Shafter felt the Navy was doing little to relieve the pressure on his forces.

71. By the end of his tour of duty there, he was serving as administrator of prisoners' property.

72. The Archdeacon was, moreover, the bishop's chief confidant, his assistant, and when it was necessary, his representative in the exercise of the manifold duties of the episcopal office

73. The Archdeacon was, moreover, the bishop's chief confidant, his assistant, and when it was necessary, his representative in the exercise of the manifold duties of the episcopal office

74. 22 Meredith was relieved to be spared the embarrassment of unavoidable eavesdropping.

75. He failed completely in the performance of his duty.

76. Your duty... is his safety.

77. His duties included classifying Advisorily the types of merchandise at bar

78. He will enter upon the duties of his new appointments tomorrow.

79. Apophlegm: Choked with the flegma and humour of his sins he shouted: “Apathy forthwith!” to relieve his chill Blaineys

80. Any man shirking his duty would be shot on the spot.